This month I would like to show you in detail a small and romantic summer photo booth, made for Lorenzo and Lucia’s wedding.
The creation of a personalized corner dedicated to snapshots is a service included in my wedding package for several years and which is always welcomed by guests and spouses with great enthusiasm.
“The corner of memories”, as I prefer to call it, not only allows the guests, young and old to have fun independently during the reception, but it will also serve to create many photographic memories for the guests and the newlyweds.
What better occasion to fill a small album with spontaneous photographs accompanied by dedications and memories of those who attended the party? It will be a pleasure and an immense emotion to browse through it over the years alongside the official wedding album.

The photo booth of Lorenzo and Lucia was created in collaboration with theAbbey of Montecorona di Umbertide, a splendid medieval location that I highly recommend you visit, and with the florist Gabriella Grassini following the rural and delicate mood of the entire wedding set-up.
Chamomile, lavender, candles and my inevitable Fuji Instax literally stormed by the little guests at the party. Seeing the amazement in their eyes at the images that suddenly appear on photographic paper is priceless!

The handcrafted and tailor-made album for the newlyweds is, as always, by Tirilego Umbertide, a guarantee of elegance and skill.
Whether you have ten or a hundred guests, what I recommend is not to give up the photo booth corner, you will be pleasantly surprised.
Ph Giulia Corinti fotografa
Venue Ristorante Abbazia di Montecorona
Flowers Gabriella Grassini
Camera Fuji Instax
Album Tirilego