For years, everything concerning the human side of a profession or company has been considered a marginal side of the job, not worthy of being told to the public and potential customers. Today, however, where professionalism and offer abound, it is precisely the narration of the peculiarities, of its own character of its history, that makes the difference and makes its professional offer unique.
The brand serves this purpose: to give a recognizable shape, through the combination of a name, a symbol, a color, a language, to the values that the seller or producer intends to convey. The brand therefore helps to build and then transmit an identity. This can be particularly useful not only to larger companies but also and above all to freelancers, artisans, owners of small shops and anyone who wants to put their personality at the center of a project.

In building a brand, large or small, many factors come into play (graphic choices, logos, photographs, business cards, brochures, sites and blogs, social networks, etc.) which together will create a coherent and easily recognizable image of your brand, often making the difference.
The personal branding photo shoot is definitely one of the investments to be evaluated if you want to give a face, humanity and personality to your work.
The images immediately communicate who you are, what you do, what your work environment is like: your shop, your artisan laboratory, your studio. A photo shoot that tells your brand allows you to make your online presence more complete and effective (sites, blogs and social networks) but you can use them for all the paper advertising (posters, brochures, flyers) that you will create to promote yourself.
Photographs designed with a professional photographer will be able to talk about you and the human side of what you do by attracting the audiences that interest you most.

It is for this reason that I love, before each personal branding photo shoot, to get to know the history of the person and his business, to reveal the nuances and the essence during the shooting phase. It is not only important to “feel good” in the shots but to convey all humanity that hides behind what you do.
Here you can find the link to a personal branding service dear to me, created for a beautiful Umbrian person and wedding planner. I followed her on a typical day, made of appointments, phone calls and weddings to organize. Enjoy it!