One thing you see in my photos is that I wasn’t afraid to fall in love with these people. (Annie Leibovitz)
Who has never wanted to search among papers, boxes and drawers, some old wedding albums or photographs of his childhood. Those who have not been moved by looking for the faded colors of those who are no longer there, or smile at the sight of old-fashioned clothes, grown-up children or imperfect and naive shots.
Each of us has a mental drawer of happy memories that come back to the surface through these old photographs, real time machines on photographic paper.
The link between photography and family relationships is part of our cultural background, it is part of us to want to capture the significant moments of the family life cycle through photographs: births, birthdays, graduations, travel and weddings.
Leafing through the photographs of our families we can realize, after many years, that our history is a path, a path made of conquests, losses, joys and problems overcome.

This is why the family portrait is an intense experience, it is the visual representation of our emotional and intimate dimension, a gift that will remain for us and for those who come after us and that will be the vehicle for many other memories.
Photographing the family

Each family is a unique and unrepeatable nucleus that the photographer to whom you will entrust your service must be able to grasp and interpret in a sincere and judgmentless way.
His eye will not only return an artistic and aesthetic vision, but will be able to investigate the bonds, the affections and your history.
For this reason, the photographic sessions that I prefer are those taken within your home environment, at home or in the garden in such a way that the place of your affections also becomes an integral part of the photographs.
In this way, the shooting session becomes a pleasant memory to recall and a spontaneous experience of family sharing where (finally!) all the members of the family are represented, including dogs and cats.

Tomorrow, when we look at the photos of our family, with the people who were and will be there, we will understand that those images represent our history, our path, the foundations on which to build our future.