I still remember the emotion and my legs trembling in front of the first class of my basic photography course: 9 people, all excited like me, ready to embark on a fascinating journey together to discover photography.
Many already owned a camera, but they did not know its functioning and potential. Others had acquired some skills on their own that needed to be polished and corrected.
Since that first course and the memorable final exhibition that we organized, 4 years and 7 new editions have now passed of a course that over time has been refined and adapted to the ever-changing needs of the participants. We have gone from being present in a physical classroom to lessons in a virtual classroom but the warmth,sharing and extreme personalization of the teaching method have not changed over time.

Faced with an ever-increasing offer of online courses, I believe that the strength and success of this basic course is precisely the “tailoring” with which I wanted to conceive it: not a series of standard and pre-recorded lessons the same for everyone and without interaction but an interactive path that adapts each time to the real starting level of the participants, to their inclinations and interests. The weekly exercises proposed and the choral correction of the photographs become a moment of growth and sharing and I assure you that at the end of the course, seeing everyone’s improvement is a great satisfaction for me but above all for those who participate.
The main purpose of the entire course is in fact to provide the technical and theoretical bases to photograph independently (strictly manually!) and consciously to then take off on your own and cultivate photography, a demanding and all-encompassing passion. The example of great photographers, books, exhibitions and beauty will be the lights that will accompany us at every lesson.
The various editions of the course have seen the growth of a large and valid group of high level amateur photographers and it is a pleasure for me to end this article with some of their works created during our lessons… good vision!