This year, the wedding season began a few weeks later than in previous years (for the regions that we all know well by now) but it did not disappoint my expectations and my desire to return to shooting weddings and spouses.
Emanuele and Martina, very young and in love, have chosen the beauties of Piazza San Francesco in Umbertide – my favourite square! – to celebrate their civil wedding after many years of engagement.

Following the short but exciting ceremony, spouses and guests toasted together in the space behind the convent where we also took the ritual group photos.
Subsequently, the spouses dedicated a moment of their own made of couple photographs where romance but also lots of laughs prevailed.
For the installation we have chosen the delightful cloister of San Francesco and some glimpses of this special square which houses, unique in its kind, three adjacent churches from different eras.

You can see a rich selection of shots taken from the full service by clicking here.
Thanks to Emanuele and Martina for this start of the season that is truly to remember.