According to recent estimates, we are reaching the astronomical figure of 1,000 billion images taken every year: in practice, more photos are taken every two minutes than humanity has produced in the first decades of the last century (source: Il Fotografo).
The reasons for this overabundance of shots are quite obvious: the spread of smartphones equipped with cameras of ever better quality and the use of social networks where we share everything: from the plate in the restaurant to the selfie taken in bursts.

But have you ever wondered if you would be willing to lose the photos of your wedding or your children saved on your hard drive or on a broken mobile phone?
A printed photograph, as opposed to a file that scrolls across the screen, can be a home, a nostalgic and romantic moment to be on the sofa and look at a wedding album or old family photos, without having to open a computer and press the button “Next” dozens of times.

Physical prints, if professionally printed, are an eternal gift to be handed down from generation to generation, a gift that will tell a special moment in one’s life that, with a digital file, would probably be lost.
We should print our photos, especially those that tell the happy and authentic moments of our lives, such as, for example, wedding photographs.

There are solutions suitable for every need and at every price range and that is why the advice and guidance of your trusted photographer will be essential in choosing your album.
I love the phase of choosing materials and photographic papers, the selection of the most significant shots and the creation of your albums, in the awareness of offering a quality product, personalized and above all long-lasting.
Whether it’s a photo book or a traditional album, for the printing of my photo albums I rely on local companies and artisans who offer exclusively handmade and 100% Made in Italy services.
Because seeing you browse your album with your eyes shining is a satisfaction that is priceless.
The albums and photo books photographed are by Tirilego and Ilfotoalbum